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Membership Benefits
Grow Your Business with Help from Your IAHP
The IAHP - The International Association of Healthcare Practitioners is a professional network of more than 100,000 therapists who have taken continuing-education classes from IAHE and our affiliates.

It's also home of one of the world's premier online directories of bodyworkers which is accessible by the public 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. This allows people in your town or region who are looking for a practitioner to find you easily and quickly.

As a graduate of any of the coursework offered through IAHE, you receive a complimentary membership in the IAHP. This entitles you to a basic listing in the online directory. But there is so much more you could be getting from your membership.

Practitioner standards are of paramount importance to IAHP. IAHP reserves the right to remove practitioner listings when appropriate during and/or after investigation of reports of potential violation of standards or ethics.

Website:International Association of Healthcare Practitioners

Membership Benefits
Grow Your Business with Help from Your IAHP
The IAHP - The International Association of Healthcare Practitioners is a professional network of more than 100,000 therapists who have taken continuing-education classes from IAHE and our affiliates.

It's also home of one of the world's premier online directories of bodyworkers which is accessible by the public 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. This allows people in your town or region who are looking for a practitioner to find you easily and quickly.

As a graduate of any of the coursework offered through IAHE, you receive a complimentary membership in the IAHP. This entitles you to a basic listing in the online directory. But there is so much more you could be getting from your membership.

Practitioner standards are of paramount importance to IAHP. IAHP reserves the right to remove practitioner listings when appropriate during and/or after investigation of reports of potential violation of standards or ethics.

Website:International Association of Healthcare Practitioners