Leading manufacturer of Home care products in Taiwan. Product categories includes comprehensive range of medical aids.
Working hard in new product development , we are now a one stop shopping for different home care products.
Human-oriented principle and innovation, concertedly making good products to make a difference to the lives of the people who need them.
Product categories includes comprehensive range of medical aids and devices focusing on Health Care at home: Walking sticks, grab bars, shower benches, walkers, bed rail, carts etc.
Dignissimos asperiores vitae velit veniam totam fuga molestias accusamus alias autem provident. Odit ab aliquam dolor eius.
Date: 2019/06/05-07
Booth no.:
Show Venue: Mexico World Trade Center
Address:Montecito 38, Col. Nápoles 03810, México, D.F. Mexico
City: Mexico
Website: https://expomed.com.mx/en/plano
Date: 2019/06/26-28 10:00am~5:00pm
Booth no.:G51
Show Venue: Miami Beach Convention Center
Address:1901 Convention Center Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA
City: Miami
Website: https://www.fimeshow.com/en.html
Date: 2019/09/18-21
Booth no.:
Show Venue: Dusseldorf Exhibition Centre
Address:ostfach 10 10 06, D-40001 Dusseldorf Stockum Church Street 61, D-40474, Dusseldorf, Germany- D-40001
City: Düsseldorf
Website: https://www.rehacare.com/cgi-bin/md_rehacare/lib/pub/tt.cgi/Online_Application_2019.html?oid=40646&lang=2&ticket=g_u_e_s_t